Not Letting Fear Get in the Way

Phew! I did it - I started a podcast. It only took me about a year to get up the nerve to actually contact people to be interviewed. I was so scared they’d say no. But why was I scared?

In my head some very mean people live. I had imagined me asking an artist to interview and them saying digustedly, “Me interviewed by you - a nobody! Are you out of your mind!” Then tossing their cape over their shoulder and flouncing off.

But the reality of it was - no capes and no flouncing. Yes, some artist did say no, but it had absolutely nothing to do with me. It was just a lot of really sweet, very introverted, sometimes shy artists who find it difficult to be interviewed. I get it - I’m pretty similar about the unknown.

The great thing is that I did eventually get up the courage to start asking people and a lot of them said yes. Which means I now have people to have chats with about art stuff.

And I’ve discovered that I really, really love to chat with people about art stuff. I love finding connections with other artists, chatting about our journeys, our work, and all the behind the scenes stuff.

There were lots of other things that threatened to stop me doing the podcast - mainly I didn’t know what I was doing. How do I record it? Edit it? Host it? Distribute it? And why do I sound like I’m in a tin can on episode one (Tip: Don’t record in a big open space like my kitchen.)

But I decided I would start before I’m ready and just learn as I go on. I believe in progress over perfection. Otherwise there was a danger I’d take another year to get it done.

So, sure when I listened back to some of the first audio I cringed at the quality of my recording. My guests - I would like to add - are all bosses at great audio! Mine sucked though.

But that’s okay. I’ll learn and it’ll get better. For now - it is what it is.

So now the first episode is live and ready to go. It’s a really fun interview with my favourite muralist Hazel of Nocciola The Drawer. So check it out!

You can find the first episode by clicking here or by searching Spotify or Apple podcasts.




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