Demystifying Art Collecting: Why We're All Art Collectors

Recently, I ran a poll on Instagram.

The question was simple: "Do you consider yourself an art collector?"

The responses were a close split between those who did and those who didn’t.

But surprisingly the poll revealed that many who said "no" actually had original art gracing their walls, and guess what? Quite a few were artists themselves. This got me thinking: why don’t they see themselves as art collectors?

I believe it all boils down to this common, misleading notion of who an "art collector" is supposed to be. There’s this stereotype of collectors being affluent individuals who sweep up pricey pieces at exclusive events.

Even I believed that before I began selling my paintings.

But as I’ve learned that’s not the whole picture anymore.

In the past, purchasing original art was confined to galleries or high-profile auctions, limiting access for most people. However, times have changed. The internet has transformed this landscape. Now, anyone, regardless of where they live, can explore art, connect with artists, and buy original pieces without leaving their homes.

Today artists offer a diverse range of works at various price points, ensuring that art is accessible to everyone, no matter their budget.

As I was drafting this blog post, I stumbled upon a Times article titled, “Art isn’t just for Oligarchs - why aren’t you buying any?”

The article questions why, despite investing in lavish homes, many people hesitate to invest in original art.

The truth is, there are barriers surrounding the idea of buying art – this misconception that you need special expertise to appreciate or qualify to purchase art.

I recall a conversation I overheard during an open studio event where a group debated for a good ten minutes how to spot the next Picasso and snap up a piece now while it was cheap to sell later for millions.

I couldn't help but laugh.

My advice to them? Buy what speaks to your heart. The connection you build with the artwork and artist is priceless.

Most art collectors aren’t playing the investment game; they're simply buying what they adore.

If it goes up in value, wonderful.

If it doesn’t, they’ve bought something they love and supported an artist.

So, who are art collectors, really?

For me, the definition is simple: if you purchase original art, regardless of its size or price, you’re an art collector.

Art collectors are just like you and me – artists, art admirers, anyone who seeks beauty for their homes.

It’s time to reshape the narrative. Hopefully next time I poll to see who considers themselves a collector we can all proudly declare, “Yes, I’m an art collector!”

And for those who haven’t taken the plunge into owning an original piece yet – what’s holding you back? It’s time to dive in and discover the joy of owning something truly unique and beautiful.

Here's to breaking down those walls, or rather decorating those walls, and embracing the art collector in all of us!

P.S. If you’re interested in starting or adding to your art collection, sign up to my newsletter to hear when I have works for sale.

P. P.S. This whole blog post idea came after a chat I had with Claudia Kennaugh on my Studio Notes podcast. We talked about collectors and I couldn’t stop thinking about it. If you’re unsure of where to begin Claudia offers workshops that will help you get started. Get more info here. (This is not an affiliate link - I’m just a long-time student and big fan!)


Emerging (Again)

